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Monday, August 23, 2010

"The Expendables"

Violence galore, impossible car chases, non-stop shooting, noise level super loud, but with intermittent amusing dialogue (especially from Jet Li.) This Sylvester Stallone film is fun, despite the fact that it's not really a very good movie. Part of the time the actors were in such shadow, that I couldn't tell who was fighting whom. Neverthe less, I enjoyed myself, as the audience also seemed to! Probably because the violence was so over the top unbelievable that it didn't bother me. Sly shot up a storm, guns blazing all over the place -- as did his cohorts (except one was more proficient with a knife.) Mickey Rourke almost stole the picture, and Jason Statham was really excellent, a "noble" killer. Almost every cliche you've ever seen in an action movie is included. Plus, you get a cameo from Arnold Schwartenegger (current Governor of California - though not playing that part here) that the audience loved. Bruce Willis has a small bit, expertly handled, and the really bad, evil guy (not part of Stallone's team of mercenaries) was Eric Roberts, perfectly cast. There is, of course, a beautiful girl -- but it's all very chaste and noble. I'm tempted to give it three stars, but that might be misleading, so let's settle for TWO and a HALF STARS.

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